Buy Certified Weed in Perth

Buy Certified Weed in Perth

Buy Certified Weed in Perth

Is it feasible to Buy Certified Weed in Perth legally? With weed being very much illegal in Western Australia, there is no legal and safe way to buy weed in Perth unless you have the proper approval for medicinal cannabis.

Research on the medicinal use of marijuana in Australia and throughout the world is continuing to this day. This has led to most medicinal cannabis products being unapproved. This means if you are interested in the possibility of using medicinal marijuana you must be well informed and seek the advice of a medical practitioner.

For recreational users, you must be wary of the laws regarding cannabis in Western Australia and take caution before buying weed in Perth. If you plan on going via the black market to buy weed in Australia, make sure you are fully informed on the risks and the local laws.

Western Australia Weed Laws

There are some strict drug laws in Western Australia but also a scheme in place so that first-time offenders of minor offences can avoid criminal charges and may be steered away from committing further offences.

Possession offenses of anything over 10 grams of marijuana will mean a legal penalty. If the quantity suggests personal use (10-100 grams), the maximum penalty is a $2000 fine. The fine may be accompanied or replaced with up to 2 years in prison. This is the same penalty if found with less than 20 cannabis plants.

Being caught with a significantly large amount of marijuana is considered a supply offense. The maximum penalty for having a supplying amount of cannabis is a $100,000 fine and or 25 years imprisonment sentence.

WA’s Cannabis Intervention Requirement

If you commit a minor cannabis possession offence in Western Australia, you likely won’t be criminally charged and may only receive a Cannabis Intervention Requirement (CIR). A minor offence includes being caught with less than 10 grams of weed or cannabis seeds or being caught with a smoking implement such as a bong or pipe with traces of cannabis.

After you have been given a CIR, you have 28 days to book and attend a Cannabis Intervention Session (CIS). This is a one-on-one session with a counsellor that may be about an hour long. The objective of the CIS is to fully inform the individual of the legal, health and social consequences of using cannabis and provide strategies on how they may tackle their cannabis use.

If you are caught with any other form of cannabis including, resin (hash), and oils, or are cultivating any plants, you will not receive a CIR as these offenses are more serious and will be met with legal prosecution.

Accessing Medicinal Cannabis in Perth

To access medicinal cannabis in Perth the only option is to first speak with a medical practitioner. You will have a complete discussion on the current research, the potential side effects, and the type of medicinal cannabis that would be an appropriate treatment.

If both you and your doctor agree to the use of medicinal marijuana, they can then apply to the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) for approval to prescribe. The TGA will review the application and it will be denied or approved within 48 hours.

There are other access pathways such as receiving a prescription from an Authorised prescriber or participating in a clinical trial. Research on the effectiveness of cannabis products as medicine is ongoing and there is yet to be enough supporting evidence for the TGA to approve any Schedule 8 medicinal cannabis product. As such, access will remain restricted.

8 thoughts on “Buy Certified Weed in Perth”

  1. It was kinda of hell before I got here until I met this guy at the hotel who gave me this dude contact his weed was pretty cool like the ones from Cali. I was forced to ask him about the weed after trying them, he is a very open-minded person. He had other stuff too that which I won’t mention here, you can reach him at ”[email protected]

  2. Annabelle Sanchez

    Have been in Perth for 2years now and [email protected] this guy oh my gosh he is the real deal when I was told about this guy I couldn’t believe it when I got to know him I have been on high grounds cuz he got quality stuff shit

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    Email him ([email protected]) and unlock a whole new level of fantasy with his weed. You won’t regret!

  5. Life here in Perth is super super nice and trading with my guy T jay over here who supply good quality weed and party drugs keeps the show moving for me if u need good quality weed [email protected] is at ur service don’t say I didn’t tell u people stop the search and contact the game planner

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  7. Hey guys, the best way to get WEED and party drugs in Perth is to ask Noah. He has the best quality and is discreet and reliable. He gets the best quality MARYJANE and meds for my friends and me. You can reach him at ” [email protected] ” and he will get you the best quality stuff you can find on the streets. Thanks to him, my stay here has been very special.

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